
Canada’s 100 Best Restaurants

Canadians have officially made it through the winter. It’s time to pack away the parkas and get ready for some big nights out on the town OpenTable, the world’s leading…

Zeno Gobble Up Multi-Million-Dollar Canadian Turkey Farmers Account

Turkey Farmers of Canada and members of the Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council have named Zeno Group as their AOR – by Diana Bradley PR Week Zeno won the…

Rehydration Speeds Up Recovery Among Diarrhea Affected Piglets

A Veterinarian with Goshen Ridge Veterinary Services says pork producers can speed up the recovery of piglets affected by diarrhea by replacing the body salts they are losing By Bruce…

Canadian Food Processing is Dying and Nobody Cares

Maple Leaf Foods, the largest pork processor in the country, has opted to build its new meatless plant south of the border By Dr. Sylvain Charlebois In a recent announcement,…

Top 3 Tips for Farm Worker Recruitment

By characterizing the nutritive value of feed ingredients, swine nutritionists hope to lower feed costs while improving productivity and reducing the environmental impact of pork production By Trudy Kelly Forsythe…

Swine Nutritionists Strive to Lower Feed Costs, Improve Productivity, Reduce Environmental Impact

By characterizing the nutritive value of feed ingredients, swine nutritionists hope to lower feed costs while improving productivity and reducing the environmental impact of pork production By Bruce Cochrane –…

Farmers Call For Strong Political Response to Expanding Trade Obstacles for Canada

Canola farmers whose livelihoods have been targeted by China in its feud with Canada say it’s time for the federal government to be aggressive at the political level in its…

Government of Canada helps strengthen the Canadian Pork Industry

Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced an investment of over $6 million to help the Canadian Pork industry harness innovation to boost production, strengthen public trust, and expand…

CFA Launches Federal Election Campaign

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), the unified voice advocating for Canadian farmers at the national level, launched the Producing Prosperity in Canada campaign this morning on Parliament Hill The…

Maple Leaf Advances Leadership in Rapidly Growing Plant-Based Protein Market with Construction of a World-Class Production Facility

Maple Leaf Foods Inc. and its subsidiary, Greenleaf Foods, announced plans to construct a US$310 million plant-based protein food processing facility in Shelbyville, Indiana At approximately 230,000 square feet, it…

Chicken Whisperer Receiving Prestigious National Animal Welfare Award For His Pioneer Research

Humane Canada is pleased to announce that Dr. Ian Duncan of the Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare at the University of Guelph has been named the recipient…

China Expected to Grow in Importance for Canadian Pork Exports

The Vice-President Technical Services and Marketing Programs with Canada Pork International expects the importance of China as a destination for Canadian pork to grow as volumes of fresh chilled pork…

The New NAFTA Deal is In Trouble Amid Looming Elections and Fights Over Tariffs

More than six months after the United States, Mexico and Canada agreed a new deal to govern more than US$1 trillion in regional trade, the chances of the countries ratifying…

CRSB Wins 2019 Beef Industry Innovation & Sustainability Award

The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) is being recognized for their outstanding work in the industry by Jessica Giles You may recognize the name from their logos on the…

IFFA 2019: Ways to Greater Sustainability In The Meat Industry

Sustainability in terms of resource usage and the employment of energy-efficient processes along the entire value chain is one of the foremost challenges of our time. And this applies to…

The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association 2019 AGM Recap

The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) held an action-packed 2019 annual general meeting in Ottawa. Trade, business risk management, national price insurance, labour shortages, animal transportation regulations and the food guide…

China Doubles Down

The Chinese embassy is doubling-down on Beijing’s decision to revoke export permits for canola By Kelsey Johnson and Charlie Pinkerton – ipolitics.ca The country’s customs agency says it notified the…

Danish Entry Key to Effective Transport Biosecurity

The Vice President of Brussels Transport says a well designed properly utilized Danish Entry is one of the most effective defenses against the spread of swine diseases by Bruce Cochrane…

Agri-food Sector Welcomes The 2019 Budget’s Immigration Pilot for Foreign Workers

People in Canada’s agrifood sector say they’re hoping a three-year pilot project announced in the new federal budget can help the sector bring in the full-time, non-seasonal workers it needs…

New Public Opinion Research on Hot Button Issues Around Food

A new study provides further understanding into the tides of public opinion around Canadian food, how it’s grown, and the relationship consumers want with farmers and those that process their…

Our February 2025 Issue

In our February 2025 issue we look at, Dietary Guidelines including meat, AI at IFFA 2025, Trade challenges for the Canadian Beef Industry, Shifting Consumer Demand, Strengthening food security, Cattle Fax forecast, Eliminating internal food trade barriers, and much more!