
Canadian foodservice and hospitality operators come together in support of Ukraine

Here’s how Canadian restaurants have pitched in to show their support by Restaurants Canada   Since the start of the conflicts inflicted by Russian on Ukraine we have seen an…

A letter from the G7 Extraordinary Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting

Statement on the invasion of Ukraine by armed forces of the Russian Federation    We, the G7 Agriculture Ministers and the Commissioner for Agriculture of the EU, met today in…

McDonald’s closure marks ending of Russian era started by a Canadian 32 years ago

Memory can be fuzzy. I remember a bright, crisp winter day. Photographs tell me the sky was the more usual Moscow grey, with puddles on the pavement suggesting it might…

ASF Pressure on North American Borders Continues to Increase

The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center suggests North America’s borders face unprecedented pressure as the numbers of cases of African Swine Fever continue to expand  by Bruce…

International fast food restaurants will have more challenges than other sectors to withdraw operations in Russia

Following calls from international brands to pull out of Russia due to its invasion of Ukraine  by Ramsey Baghdadi – Global Data McDonald’s and other fast food outlets are under…

Brazil meat firms could replace Ukrainian, Russian suppliers as war rages on

Soaring grain prices in the wake of Russia’s attack on Ukraine are hurting Brazilian meatpackers, but trade disruptions facing Ukrainian and Russian meat producers may be an opportunity to boost…

Improving Processing Capacity in Ontario’s Meat and Poultry Sector

The Governments of Canada and Ontario are investing $900,000 through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership to launch an innovative tool to connect meat and poultry farmers with abattoirs that have available…

Cargill and CCIA agreement provide options for CRSB participation by producer

Cargill is excited to announce that – starting now – Canadian beef producers audited to the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef(CRSB)’s Certified Sustainable Beef Framework will have more than one…

Icahn takes pig-welfare push global amid McDonald’s proxy fight

Carl Icahn is broadening a push to get McDonald’s Corp (MCD.N) to improve suppliers’ treatment of pigs raised for bacon and sausage   by  Tom Polansek – Reuters The billionaire activist…

Canada shuts ports to Russian ships over Ukraine invasion

Canada ratcheted up pressure on Russia on Tuesday for its invasion of Ukraine by shutting ports to Russian-owned ships and saying that holdings of all Russian oligarchs and companies in…

Quebec food distributor concerned as many restaurants not reopening

Food distributor Colabor said that after two years of seeing their businesses weakened by the pandemic and health restrictions, many restaurant owners seem ready to hang up their aprons  …

Pork Producers Advised to Focus on Risk Management Amid Market Volatility Fueled by Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Director of Risk Management with HAMS Marketing Services is advising pork producers to focus on risk management strategies amid the market volatility being created by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…

IFFA shows how the production of food from alternative proteins succeeds

Whether from plants, insects or cultivated meat, meat alternatives are increasing in importance. Alternative proteins are therefore one of the top themes at IFFA from 14 to 19 May 2022…

TrustBIX Inc. Announces Signing of Definitive Agreement to Acquire Insight Global Technology Inc

TrustBIX is pleased to announce that, further to its press release dated February 2, 2022, the Company has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Insight Global Technology Inc   …

CRSB’s 2022 Semi-Annual meeting registration is open

It’s time to gather again! Join CRSB in Ottawa for discussion and fellowship on beef sustainability in Canada. Virtual options are available for those who can’t attend.  Canadian Roundtable for…

Deepening Russia-Ukraine tensions seen curbing food supplies, lifting prices

Escalating tensions between global crop heavyweights Russia and Ukraine are likely to force wheat, corn and sunflower oil buyers to seek alternative shipments, driving up world food prices already near…

Partnership expanding work on National Index on Agri-Food Performance

Protein Industries Canada announced a co-investment into the second phase of Canada’s National Index on Agri-Food Performance, alongside lead partners Pulse Canada and the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS)…

Drive Away Hunger almost doubles this year’s goal

Partners in Canada’s agriculture and food industry have once again rallied behind Drive Away Hunger, providing an equivalent of more than 36 million meals to food banks and feeding programs…

As costs rise, majority of Canadians are changing their food-buying habits, survey finds

Four in five Canadians have changed their household menus to adapt to rising food prices, a new national survey has found     by Elizabeth McSheffrey – Global News  …

UK set to reject Canada’s hormone beef demands in trade talks setback

The UK is set to reject Canadian hormone-treated beef in trade talks, The Telegraph newspaper reported    Reuters   Maintaining the UK’s high food safety and animal welfare standards is…

Our February 2025 Issue

In our February 2025 issue we look at, Dietary Guidelines including meat, AI at IFFA 2025, Trade challenges for the Canadian Beef Industry, Shifting Consumer Demand, Strengthening food security, Cattle Fax forecast, Eliminating internal food trade barriers, and much more!