You won’t want to miss CIFST’s 2023 Canadian Food Summit
The Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIES) invites you to register for the highly anticipated 2023 Canadian rood Summit. laking place from June / to 9, 2023 at the RBC Place in London, Ontario
This summit promises to be a landmark event that brings together the industry experts, innovators, and thought leaders who shape the future of food innovation.
The 2023 Canadian rood Summit is a dynamic platform where passionate individuals from all corners o the tood indUstry can come together to exchange ideas, explore cutting-edge technologies, and delve into the most pressing issUes facing the Canadian food sector today.
“The Food Summit continues to gather industry recognition for contributing – and in many ways helping to shape – the future of food innovation”With its rich history of fostering collaboration and driving advancements, this event has become a
and adjacent to the food science and
technology field.
Why Attend?
- Exceptional Speaker Lineup
- Networking
- Student Competitions
- Discover the Latest Innovations
- Interactive Workshops and Sessions
- Awards and Recognition
The Food Summit continues to gather industry recognition for contributing – and in many ways contributing to shape – the future of food innovation in building a sustainable, safe, and delicious food system that meets the needs of today and tomorrow.
Registration Detalls:
Secure your spot at the 2023 Canadian Food Summit by visiting the official conference website to take advantage of this opportunity and reserve your place and ensure you don’t miss out on this transformative event.
For more information and to register, visit
We look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 Canadian Food Summit!