
David Francis Farms, PEI – 2017 TESA Recipient

David Francis will tell you no one was more surprised than he when the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) selected their farm as recipient of this year’s TESA -The Environmental Stewardship…

Cattle Raisers Establish Fund to Help Ranchers in the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey has devastated an extensive area within Texas, including many rural stretches that are home to thousands of cattlemen and women Many of the affected ranchers are already hard…

Cattle Producers Seize Advantages of Genomic Testing

Genomic testing in cattle is on the rise, so much so that one expert says the evolution of the associated technology is like smartphones with an upgrade coming out every…

Temple Grandin turns 70

Temple Grandin, viewed by many as an icon for both Cattle and Autism, remains a staunch advocate for humane animal care. But, more than that, she is a published author…

Texas Cattle Raisers Statement on Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey continues to drop unprecedented amounts of rain on South Texas, with forecasts predicting movement East toward Louisiana Reuters This is a serious situation for cattle ranchers and beef…

Mid-Year Cattle Market Update

Major and rapid price changes seem to be the new normal in cattle markets. There have again been larger market swings than anticipated in 2017, but overall the market has…

Q&A with Martin Unrau: Lifelong Cattleman

Martin Unrau is a life long cattleman who is no stranger to the trade deal table, who has seen his share of committee meetings, and trade junkets abroad, and has…

Our January 2025 Issue

In our January 2025 issue we dive into the Smithfield files IPO, Global Red Meat Market trends, Solar Energy and Agricultural activities, Brazil adopting beef traceability, Meat Processing equipment, Rising agriculture crime, Canadian Ag investing, the Meat Institute's new COO, and much more!