Registration now open for the 2022-23 BCRC Webinar Series


This year’s Beef Cattle Research Council webinar series will cover a range of topics all focused on practical, science-based information for Canadian beef producers

Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) –

Topics include the Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production Network, opportunities and limitations in nutrition and feed management and record keeping.  

The first webinar will be held on September 7, 2022, followed by two three-part series on nutrition and record keeping. See in-depth descriptions below.

“BCRC webinars are available free of charge thanks to guest speakers who volunteer their time and expertise to support advancements in the Canadian beef industry ” 

This link allows you to register for the entire BCRC webinar series via Zoom. We recommend registering regardless of whether you can attend during the date and time listed. By registering, you’ll receive the link that allows you to watch the recording at any time, reminders to attend the live event, plus additional resources on the topic. It’s no problem if you miss a webinar you’re registered for – you will receive a link to the recording. However, joining the live broadcast is recommended as it gives you the opportunity to interact with the presenters and ask your own questions. 

BCRC webinars are available free of charge thanks to guest speakers who volunteer their time and expertise to support advancements in the Canadian beef industry and through the Knowledge Dissemination and Technology Transfer project funded by the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off  and Canada’s Beef Science Cluster

Select webinars will be available for continuing education (CE) credits for veterinarians and registered veterinary technologists and technicians across Canada. For more information on CE accreditation, please contact Dana Parker.  

Recordings of past webinars can be found on the BCRC’s webinars page

2022/2023 BCRC WEBINARS 

Cost, Profits and What If? – A Look into the Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production Network

September 7, 2022, 7:00 PM MT

Speakers: Brenna Grant, Executive Director, Canfax and Huiting Huang, Research Analyst, Canfax Research Services 

The Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production Network has 42 baseline farms from coast to coast covering a variety of production systems. Hear how things changed from 2020 to 2021. What makes the difference between the top, medium and low profitable farms? See the future farm scenarios most selected by producers and why does it work for some and not others?

Nutrition Series:

Part 1: No Longer a Mystery – Feed Testing to Improve Herd Health and Feed Management

September 21, 2022, 7:00 PM MT

Speakers: Bree Kelln, University of Saskatchewan and producer TBA 

Feed testing is an important tool when tackling feed management. This webinar will address the key challenges and opportunities surrounding feed testing, what the results mean and why they can be a key tool on your operation. 

Part 2: Hitting the Bullseye with Targeted Feeding – Feeding for Performance

October 19, 2022, 7:00 PM MT

So you have your feed test results, now what? This webinar will address how to balance a diet, targeted feeding based on cattle class and optimizing what you have for maximum performance. 

Part 3: Making the Most of Low-Quality Forage – Tips for Improving Animal Performance on Low-Quality Forage

November 23, 2022, 7:00 PM MT

Whether forage supplies are limited or an opportunity exists to incorporate an alternative feed source, cattle have the ability to turn low-quality forage into high quality protein. This webinar will discuss how to make the most of low-quality forage without sacrificing body condition or production. 

Record Keeping Series – Production Management:

Part 1: Defining Your Goals – Keeping Records to Make the Best Breeding Decisions for Your Herd

January 18, 2023, 7:00 PM MT

Keeping good records helps to make key decisions based on your own data and allows you to set attainable goals. This webinar will discuss what production management records to keep in order to define goals and make key decisions regarding the breeding herd.  

Part 2: Setting Bulls Up for Success – The Importance of a Bull Soundness Evaluation

February 15, 2023, 7:00 PM MT

Your bulls represent 50% of herd genetics. Sending them out if there are underlying issues takes you out of the game before it even starts. This webinar will discuss the value of a bull soundness evaluation (BSE) before the breeding season and how this data can help maximize bull power for your specific operation and goals.  

Part 3: Keeping Production Data to Improve the Whole Supply Chain – Insights from Experts Across Canada

March 22, 2023, 7:00 PM MT

Your sector is one piece of the puzzle that enables putting beef on the plates of Canadians. The information available from each sector has key implications for others in the industry, yet there are limitations to accessing this data at times. Join us for a panel discussion and Q&A focused on collecting and sharing data to improve the entire beef supply chain, from seedstock, cow-calf to feeding, and processing to delivery of a high-quality product.   

Learn more about the privacy policies of the Beef Cattle Research Council, YouTube and Zoom.

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