US Confirms Record 2020 Red Meat Production


The total of 55.774 billion pounds was a little bit larger than the initial guess from December and up 1% from the previous record set in 2019, with commercial and on-farm production both climbing slightly, despite a slowdown in processing during the first half of the year because of the COVID-19 pandemic

by – USDA

Pork production of 28.304 billion pounds was 2% above the prior year, driven by a higher slaughter pace, up 1.571 million head to 130.782 million, and a heavier average live weights, gaining four pounds to 289 pounds.

“Veal and lamb and mutton production both saw year to year declines on reduced slaughter levels”

Beef production was slightly higher at 27.243 billion pounds, with a lower slaughter, down 769,000 head at 32.786 million head, canceled out by a 29 pound gain in the average live weight at 1,373.

The 2020 dairy cow slaughter of 3.064 million head was down 160,000 from 2019, accounting for 9.5% of the federal inspected cattle slaughter

Veal and lamb and mutton production both saw year to year declines on reduced slaughter levels.

Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Texas made up 49% of U.S. commercial red meat production, unchanged from 2019.

The USDA’s next set of red meat production estimates for 2021 is out May 12th in the monthly supply and demand report.



Our February 2025 Issue

In our February 2025 issue we look at, Dietary Guidelines including meat, AI at IFFA 2025, Trade challenges for the Canadian Beef Industry, Shifting Consumer Demand, Strengthening food security, Cattle Fax forecast, Eliminating internal food trade barriers, and much more!


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