Restaurants Are Investing In The Safety of Canadians


Since the start of the pandemic, restaurants across Canada have made major investments in time and money to provide a safe environment for their patrons and employees

A recent analysis suggests that restaurants have invested over $750 million in protective equipment as well as additional front of house staffing requirements for contract tracing.

“With contact tracing, staff training, and a staggering amount of money invested in PPE, restaurants are safe places to enjoy experiences with your family,” said Todd Barclay, President and CEO of Restaurants Canada. “Our members have done, and continue to do an excellent job by providing a safe alternative to private gatherings.”

“From investment in staffing, training, sanitizer stations, masks and gloves, air purification systems, and other protective equipment, restaurants across Canada have spent over $750 million to keep Canadians and staff safe”


Those efforts have not gone unnoticed as 87 per cent of Canadians said in a recent survey that restaurants are doing a good job keeping their customers safe.

“The health and safety of everyone we serve as well as our staff has always been mission-critical,” said Jordan Holm, President, Boston Pizza, “this is just as true now as it was before COVID-19”.

When cases do rise, Restaurants Canada supports authorities referring to evidence-based data in order to target restrictions to the higher risk areas and not punish the entire industry.

“As Canadians continue to enter dining rooms across our country, our members are committed to providing a safe environment,” continued Barclay. “If there are any violations, provincial or public officials should take direct action on those rogue operators, and we would absolutely support the government in their enforcement activities.”

Whenever changes are under consideration, working together with all levels of government, Restaurants Canada can continue to be a trusted partner. This will allow the industry to respond as quickly and effectively as possible to help keep staff and customers safe in support of Canada’s economic recovery. Learn how you can help, visit

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Our February 2025 Issue

In our February 2025 issue we look at, Dietary Guidelines including meat, AI at IFFA 2025, Trade challenges for the Canadian Beef Industry, Shifting Consumer Demand, Strengthening food security, Cattle Fax forecast, Eliminating internal food trade barriers, and much more!


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