Bilateral Trade Key to Strong Canadian Agri-Food Sector

beef cattle in feed pens at the Sparks Beef Center

The Research lead with Agri-Food Economic Systems suggests, bilateral trade agreements and strong trade relations with food dependant countries will be key to maintaining the viability of Canadian agriculture as nations respond to COVID-19

by Bruce Cochrane – FarmScape Online

To cope with COVID-19 some traditional food exporting nations have responded by taking steps to curtail food exports.

As a result, an Agri-Food Economic Systems Independent Agri-Food Policy Note looks at “The New Trade Economy of Food Security: Repositioning Canada.”

Research Lead Dr. Al Mussell told FarmScape only a handful of nations have the capacity to export beyond what they need to feed their own people, which underlies the importance of Canada being able to maintain its export capacity during this crisis.

“We have to find a way to change the channel on it and one way to do that is try to forge bilateral relationships of one sort or another for agri-food”


“Pork, beef, wheat, canola, a range of pulse crops and there are other products as well. These are things that we produce very efficiently, far beyond our own needs and we do it very sustainably.

“Where are the key markets that we could look for that are going to be dependant on imports of some of those staples? Can we forge relationships with them that make us the anchor supplier?

“We avoid competition from other countries that like to undercut us on price and do all of this in a WTO compliant manner?

“These are some of the questions that I think we need to pose. Frankly the evidence is compounding that this kind of action by bigger countries is going to chip away at Canada and we can’t play that game.

“We have to find a way to change the channel on it and one way to do that is try to forge bilateral relationships of one sort or another for agri-food that can secure us a market, and get out of this subsidy game and commodity agriculture.”

Dr. Mussell says, if Canada can maintain its export supply chains and supply those food dependant markets when others are backing away, that trust we earn could be valuable.

FarmScape Online

Our March 2025 Issue

In our March 2025 issue we deep dive into the Trade War endgame, Protecting farms in the digital age, Rising beef prices and reduced cattle herds, the end of USMCA, Cattle market diversity, and much more!

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