Taste of Saskatchewan Chef’s Series Kicks Off in Saskatoon


The 2019 Chef’s Series, held in conjunction with Taste of Saskatchewan, kicks off today and wraps up on Sunday

by Bruce Cochrane – FarmScape Online

Taste of Saskatchewan, underway until Sunday at Kiwanis Park in Saskatoon allows visitors to sample food from over 31 of the city’s finest restaurants.

Among the highlights again this year is the Chef’s Series.

Clinton Monchuk, the Executive Director of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan, explains the Chef’s series is a cooking competition that highlights the food products produced in Saskatchewan.

“It give us an opportunity to engage with consumers and also answer questions that they may have”


“The Chef Series is kind of like the TV series called Chopped.

“What it is is some of the best chefs from Saskatchewan go together in a head to head cooking competition.

“What makes this competition a little bit different is you come to the stage, you have no idea what you’re going to be preparing that day.

“You open the black box and what ever is in there, you have to use all of those ingredients to actually make a meal.

“Then we have judges that judge that plate that is prepared from each of the chefs that are up on stage.

“On top of that what ends up happening is, while the chefs are preparing the different meals, we will make sure that the audience has an opportunity to understand how that canola was produced here in Saskatchewan or how the beef is raised on Saskatchewan ranches or in the feedlots here in the province.

“It give us an opportunity to engage with consumers and also answer questions that they may have.”

Monchuk says this is a really informative way of leaning more about your food and how to cook your food.

For more information on Taste of Saskatchewan or on the Chef’s Series visit Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan’s web site at farmfoodcaresk.org or visit the Taste of Saskatchewan web site at tasteofsaskatchewan.ca.

Source: FarmScape Online

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Our February 2025 Issue

In our February 2025 issue we look at, Dietary Guidelines including meat, AI at IFFA 2025, Trade challenges for the Canadian Beef Industry, Shifting Consumer Demand, Strengthening food security, Cattle Fax forecast, Eliminating internal food trade barriers, and much more!


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