Our 100th Issue is Online: We Thank You for Your Support


This is a very special edition as it marks our 100th consecutive issue since our launch back in September/October 2002. We have been publishing Canadian Meat Business six times per year, along with our Annual Buyer’s Guide, and through all of this industry’s trials, triumphs and tribulations, we have not missed an issue to date

by Ray Blumenfeld – Canadian Meat Business

Over the last 17 years we have all been witness to a wide range of issues which at times have propelled the industry forward with grace and goodwill and at other times have threatened to cause it irreparable harm.

As we have experienced these highs and lows together, it seems we have never lost sight of how important and how valuable our contributions are to the economy of this great country and to the health and welfare of our fellow citizens.

We must always take pride in our accomplishments and we must always remember the impact we have collectively on Canadians as well as those who consume our meat products around the world.

“It is with great pride that I welcome you to the March/April 2019 issue of Canadian Meat Business!”


We should never forget that the beef, pork and poultry industries in this country generate in excess of $28 billion in sales annually and provides direct and indirect employment to hundreds of thousands. Canadians safely and deliciously consume more than 19 kilograms of beef, 17 kilograms of pork and 32 kilograms of poultry each year. It is estimated the average annual household expenditure on meat in Canada is in excess of $1,200.

Canada is often ranked first or second in numerous international surveys when it comes to food handling and food safety performance. In many of these categories, Canada has been, and continues to be, a world leader in technology, innovation and sustainability.

It is hard not to look back with a sense of wonder at how much has happened and yet, how quickly the time has passed. It seems the older we get, the faster time seems to accelerate. It’s not supposed to work this way!

The meat industry has seen so much change over the years and that at times, it’s hard to keep up with all of transformative issues we have covered including Animal Welfare, Blockchain, Climate Change, Country of Origin Labeling, Diet Trends, E.Coli and Listeriosis outbreaks, Food Irradiation, Food Safety, International Trade, Mad Cow, PEDv, Political Chaos and Sustainability.

There are so many great people to thank for our longevity who have worked with us over the life of this publication but I will do my best to pay tribute to those who stand out.
First and foremost, our sincere thanks are extended to the past and current executives from Reiser Canada, UniPac Packaging Products Ltd. and The Yes Group Inc. who have not only been with us since the launch of our premiere issue but continue to this day to be valuable and much appreciated corporate partners. I would be remiss in not expressing my deepest gratitude to the late, great Keith Young who was an industry giant, a personal mentor and a dear friend.

My heartfelt appreciation also go to Cam Patterson, our Digital Editor, to Scott Taylor, our Executive Editor and to Christian Kent and Patrick Cairns, our Creative Team.

Finally, thanks to all of you for continuing to read and support this magazine as well as the digital editions of Canadian Meat Business. Your feedback, opinions and suggestions have always been the backbone to our publication.

Ray Blumenfeld
Publisher and Bacon Lover

Ray Blumenfeld is the CEO of We Communications, West – publisher of Canadian Meat Business Magazine

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Our February 2025 Issue

In our February 2025 issue we look at, Dietary Guidelines including meat, AI at IFFA 2025, Trade challenges for the Canadian Beef Industry, Shifting Consumer Demand, Strengthening food security, Cattle Fax forecast, Eliminating internal food trade barriers, and much more!


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