MacAulay Says: Unresolved Technical Issues Under CETA Being Discussed


During his FarmScape Online interview Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay said governments and industry are working toward resolving issues that are limiting Canadian pork and beef producers’ access to Europe under CETA

“As I’ve always said, if you look with our business partners eye to eye, you can resolve issues,” MacAulay told Farscape Online. “There’s always going to be issues and we have a number of issues to bring up and they have issues to bring up.”

“I feel it’s my job to help open markets”


The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement came into effect September 21 however, regulations which require the EU health mark be applied to pork at the production plant and the use of antimicrobial treatments not approved by the European Union continue to limit Canadian pork and beef access to Europe.

“It gave me a great opportunity meeting all the ministers here in the EU in order to bring up the issues that we had but, in Parma (Italy), we Canadian producers, or rather producer representatives, meet with the beef and pork importers,” MacAulay added. “Obviously we open doors to the farmers and we’ll continue to work hard on any of the issues that are there but it’s obvious that both sides are quite interested in making sure that this is a very successful venture.”

MacAulay told reporters participating in a teleconference yesterday during his trade mission to Germany, Belgium and Italy, the visit gave him an opportunity to discuss such issues.

“As you know it opens the doors for agriculture to about 1.5 billion dollars extra which is of great importance to our GDP and very important to our agricultural sector. And I feel it’s my job to help open markets.”

MacAulay says, in Parma, it was great to have the purchasers and the producers looking eye to eye and they’ll be talking back and forth. He says Government can help but they have to work out a lot of things themselves.

by Bruce Cochrane – FarmScape Online

Our February 2025 Issue

In our February 2025 issue we look at, Dietary Guidelines including meat, AI at IFFA 2025, Trade challenges for the Canadian Beef Industry, Shifting Consumer Demand, Strengthening food security, Cattle Fax forecast, Eliminating internal food trade barriers, and much more!


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