Cattle Raisers Establish Fund to Help Ranchers in the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey


Hurricane Harvey has devastated an extensive area within Texas, including many rural stretches that are home to thousands of cattlemen and women

Many of the affected ranchers are already hard at work, ensuring the safety of their animals and beginning to rebuild. However, as the flood waters recede in the coming days, even more damage is likely to be revealed. Fences, pens and buildings will need to be repaired or rebuilt, cattle will need veterinary treatment and adequate feed supplies. Cattle raisers across the region will need assistance to complete these vital tasks and restore their operations.

“It is truly heartwarming to see the outpouring of support that has come”


To assist those cattle raisers in need, the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) has established the Cattle Raisers Relief Fund. The fund, administered by the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Foundation, a 501(c)3, will begin accepting monetary donations today. 100 percent of donations will go to support relief efforts for ranch families affected by the disaster.

“It is truly heartwarming to see the outpouring of support that has come from across the entire country,” said Richard Thorpe, president of TSCRA. “The dedication and generosity I have witnessed in recent days has given me great confidence that we will weather this storm and continue our proud tradition of ranching in these hard-hit areas.”

Make Donations to the Cattle Raisers Relief Fund HEREcan be made by visiting.
By Check To:

Cattle Raisers Relief Fund
1600 Gendy Street
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Donations may be tax deductible, but be sure to visit with a tax professional before making a contribution.

Those wishing to volunteer their services or offer donations of vital goods such as hay, feed and fencing supplies can do so HERE

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Our March 2025 Issue

In our March 2025 issue we deep dive into the Trade War endgame, Protecting farms in the digital age, Rising beef prices and reduced cattle herds, the end of USMCA, Cattle market diversity, and much more!

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