Beretta’s Frozen Butcher Setting the Online Bar


Beretta Farms of Ontario has long been regarded for their quality, heritage and sustainable meat products but when they added the Frozen Butcher concept, guaranteeing nationwide delivery within 48 hours, it firmly established the Beretta brand in the online marketplace

Now they service customers across the country and continue their commitment to holistic and humane farming, adhering to the same principles they had when they started the farm many years ago.

Canadian Meat Business (CMB) had an opportunity to speak at length with Cynthia Beretta of Beretta Farms (BF) to find out more about their philosophy and operation.

CMB: So how how exactly did organic farming develop into the Beretta Farms brand in the GTA?

BF: My husband Mike and I started our first farm in Huron County in 1992 out of a commitment to producing healthy alternatives for families. As newlyweds, we spent our first few years learning the ropes of farm life, growing our own family of livestock, and experiencing everything the rural and rustic terrain had to offer. In the summer of 1999, we realized in order to continue our success we would need a farm closer to a large urban area. With this decision we were lucky enough to move our family to a beautiful farm in King Township. Once settling into our new farm, the focus was on becoming certified organic and branching out into local GTA retailers. Our intuition about being close to an urban area was right, and by 2006 Beretta was making regular deliveries to large banner retailers along with a growing number of independent health food stores and grocers. In 2013 Beretta did a major expansion to the product line, with the addition of antibiotic and hormone free beef, chicken, pork and turkey. This line offered health conscious shoppers a slightly lower price point, while still staying true to Beretta’s core values and beliefs.

CMB: So then the Frozen Butcher concept generated from that?

BF: Well, the idea for the Frozen Butcher was born early in 2016, when the company set out to find a solution for the current home delivery service only being available to those in the GTA. So, naturally the result was an ‘online butcher shop’ that made finding clean and healthy proteins easy. Partnering with UPS happened all while the Frozen Butcher line stayed true to Beretta’s roots of delivering premium proteins to customers doors, but allowed for an expanded area of service and quicker delivery times.

CMB: I’m curious how the Canada wide delivery is achieved and the network Beretta has established to meet delivery demand.

“Canada wide delivery has been a goal of Beretta Farms for a long time now”


BF: Canada wide delivery has been a goal of Beretta Farms for a long time now. Our original retail delivery program used our wholesale delivery trucks so there was the limitation of only being able to offer delivery to the GTA. With the launch of The Frozen Butcher we were able to restructure the program, and by using insulated shippers and the UPS same day pick up service we are able to offer our products country wide. With Beretta available to consumers at many retailers across the country, now with a click of a button, they can have delivery direct to their doors. We’re really proud of that service.

CMB: So with the push for non hormone and sustainable meat programs now being very vogue, has this changed the volume and customer base drastically, or created more competition and upstarts?

BF: Well, that’s a good question. Since starting Beretta in 1992, we have seen the demand for organic and antibiotic free proteins sky rocket. It’s been within the last 5 years that we’ve seen the biggest growth in organic and antibiotic free proteins on store shelves, both in the additions of new brands and expanded product line ups of existing brands.

CMB: Okay, let’s talk a bit about the regime to promote animal health and bio-security on the farm and how has the certification process changed in your opinion.

BF: Well Beretta has been certified organic since 1999. We have seen the certification process change slightly when the Canadian national regulations started, however for the most part the process has remained true to the original roots.

CMB: What are some of the pros and cons you’ve experienced operating an organic farm?

BF: A huge pro of farming in the GTA was in our early days when being close to an urban centre allowed us to make the needed connections to get into grocery chains and restaurants, which in turn helped spread brand awareness and grow our distribution chain. If I had to think about a con I’d have to say running out of space. Like you said, in recent years, the demand for organic proteins, specifically beef, has grown substantially, and so subsequently it becomes more difficult to raise the herds in Ontario because of space. While we do still raise cattle on the original farm in King City and a few other small Ontario based ranches, we have increased our herds meet the demand, and so now have family farms in Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia and Saskatchewan that have partnered with us over the years.

CMB: Your menu also includes seafood, which is not what I typically expected to find for a farm based company, so curious how fish made the menu and why.

BF: I see what you mean. Seafood is something we’ve dabbled in over the years, so when the Frozen Butcher launched we decided to ‘jump in’ and run full force with it once and for all. Our mission is to deliver premium proteins to families across Canada, so having seafood options alongside our beef, chicken and pork seemed like a natural fit. When it comes to our seafood we make sure to stick to our core values and only source products that are Oceanwise certified from sustainable fisheries.
CMB: How about explaining the flash frozen process.

BF: Actually our products are frozen using a slightly different method from flash freezing.

CMB: How do you mean?

BF: Well, the difference is in the temperature the products are exposed too. All of our proteins are frozen at the peak of their freshness, locking in the natural juices, flavors and nutrients. Other than the obvious ‘cold’ temperature, we think the cool thing about freezing our products is that it is the best and easiest method for preserving them without adding preservatives or using unnatural processing methods. Nutrients, proteins, minerals and vitamins are unaffected by this process and shelf life is extended anywhere from 3 to 12 months, depending on the protein and cut.

CMB: So what exactly is the Frozen Butcher process flow for the online order system?

BF: The process for ordering online is very similar to any other e-commerce website you may have used. Firstly, you must make an account on our website. After logging on, you browse and fill your cart with as many or as few products as you choose. In order to qualify for delivery a $200 minimum must be met, but pick up for smaller orders is always an option. Once you’re happy with your cart you then proceed to check out. Once this is done, sit back, relax and expect to see your delivery on your doorstep within 48 hours. Because UPS does not ship on the weekends we only ship out orders Monday to Thursday.

CMB: Do you sell to other markets, retailers, or just direct to customers via online?

BF: The Frozen Butcher is strictly home delivery and pick up, but the Beretta brand itself is available through a large number of retailers and restaurants. Some of our bigger partners are Whole Foods, Metro, Loblaws, Foodland, Fortinos, Chipotle Mexican Grill, HERO Burger and The Healthy Butcher.

CMB: Since you’re online based, which is basically border-less, do you get orders from the U.S, abroad, people searching out the service and meat quality you offer.

BF: We’ve had a few people place orders from the USA for people in Canada as gifts, but that is about it so far. We are currently only servicing clients in Canada.

CMB: Can you tell me a little something about the Heifer program?

BF: Heifer’s mission is to end hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth. For more than 70 years, Heifer International has provided livestock and environmentally sound agricultural training to improve the lives of those who struggle daily for reliable sources of food and income. Heifer is currently working more than 30 countries, to help families and communities become more self-reliant. Animals are at the centre of our work which provides life-sustaining products and all participants are required to pass on the first female offspring of any livestock they receive to another family in need.

CMB: With the farming model you’ve created with Beretta, where do you see the brand in ten years, and what type of expansion do you foresee as a result.

BF: The Beretta brand has grown from a small seed into a thriving tree with many strong branches. When Michael and I started our farm 25 years ago, we never dreamed of becoming a household name. We truly wanted to see our children grow up in a healthy and wholesome environment. Well, I guess from the growth or our business, that is what many other Canadian families want too. The future is something that happens without any of us realizing it! I would love to see us growing with more and more Canadian ranchers, converting to organic and antibiotic free rearing of their animals. One small step at a time.

CMB: What is the most rewarding part of running the farm for you and why.

BF: The most rewarding part for us is the day to day watching of the animals and the harvests grow. Knowing that we gave the earth and the animals the best lives and respect that we could have during their stay here.

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Cam Patterson – Canadian Meat Business

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